Song Library

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20/03/2017 01:38 #82123 da paul03034
Song Library è stato creato da paul03034
I deleted all songs in the song library, removed from archive, click save library, don't click save library, removed all the songs from the Song directory, ran check integrity chose remove from archive and each time I reopen MB Studio, my list of songs shows up in songs and automatic tries to load songs that do not exist. Basically I am saying I tried everything I could think of to get them out of the database.

How do I get rid of my song library to start over clean?

Also I notice if I have random files from a group in playlist and those random files are Mon-Fri in calendar, when the weekend comes I get error message on( no files available Genre). I created a weekend playlist that does call them to cure that, but I thought I could have it just pass that over.

Finally I notice if a error message pops up (focused message) the assigned functions to keys and Vellemen bits do not work until you click on OK. Bad thing when is on autopilot and no one is there to click OK. Any bit commands are missed.

Thank you!

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20/03/2017 10:44 #82126 da MB SOFT
Risposta da MB SOFT al topic Song Library

paul03034 ha scritto: Hello,
I deleted all songs in the song library, removed from archive, click save library, don't click save library, removed all the songs from the Song directory, ran check integrity chose remove from archive and each time I reopen MB Studio, my list of songs shows up in songs and automatic tries to load songs that do not exist. Basically I am saying I tried everything I could think of to get them out of the database.
How do I get rid of my song library to start over clean?

There is a protection in MB STUDIO MB SPOT that do not allow to save an empty archive to avoid that the user accidentally delete everything.
To do that exit MB STUDIO and delete the file MBSongs.dat

Also I notice if I have random files from a group in playlist and those random files are Mon-Fri in calendar, when the weekend comes I get error message on( no files available Genre). I created a weekend playlist that does call them to cure that, but I thought I could have it just pass that over.

Of coruse if you set a random file calnedar mon-fri MB STUDIO will not play it during the weekend, load other random files for the weekend

Finally I notice if a error message pops up (focused message) the assigned functions to keys and Vellemen bits do not work until you click on OK. Bad thing when is on autopilot and no one is there to click OK. Any bit commands are missed.

That's strange me the message

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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB Studio trasforma il computer in una stazione radio. Suona, mixa, sovrappone automaticamente voce e musica, jingles, pubblicita', notiziari. Riproduce stazioni radio web o satellitari e scarica automaticamente notiziari o rubriche da internet. Oltre al player multitraccia, include anche un CD audio ripper. La versione PRO Incorpora anche un jukebox musicale automatico via sms e/o emails.


video reel32MB RECASTER PRO comprende un registratore audio con schedulatore dedicato, trasmissione Webcast verso qualunque server Shoutcast, Icecast o Windows Media, funzione AutoDJ che permette di suonare files casuali da una lista di 4 cartelle, ricevitore URL che vi permette di registrare un qualunque flusso audio esterno o ritrasmetterlo al vostro server (transcoder), un convertitore di files audio da/a qualunque formato.


MB LIVEMB LIVE è un software per la trasmissione di audio \ video in diretta da postazione esterna a studio centrale. Questo programma, sfrutta una qualsiasi connessione TCPIP. E' fornito gratuitamente insieme al programma MB STUDIO PRO.