MB STUDIO and MB RECASTER work through the activation provided by the USB key you received after your purchase. Since it is a USB peripheral, problems may occasionally occur such as loss of connection between Windows and the key or between MB STUDIO / MB RECASTER and the key.


"no MARX hardware attached" or "Unknown Error" these are the classic errors that indicate a loss of connection with the USB key. If so, try one, some, or all of these changes:

 If despite all this the USB key is still not visible in the Windows devices (CBUSB Ver 2.0)


contact support from here: SUPPORT - HOW TO REPORT A PROBLEM

If the key is faulty, it will be replaced free of charge within 2 years of purchase, a cost will be charged after 2 years: https://www.mbradio.it/en/shop/services/license-transfer-new-usb-dongle