Thanks to wildcards you can customize the content of the export metadata on the stream, or on the OnAir.txt file or on the RDS output or on the video titles.

The following instructions are valid for example for the following boxes:

  • Configuration \ Webcast \ Metadata \ Text
  • Configuration \ Web Export \ Options \ OnAir.txt
  • Configuration \ RDS \ Dynamic Ps1
  • Configuration \ Songs \ Filter Options
  • Configuration \ Videos \ Options 2 \ Static Photos and Videos \ Filter Options
  • Configuration \ Video \ Video Titles \ Metadata Text
  • .... and other cases .....


If the box remains empty, MB STUDIO automatically displays the title of the song or playlist or of the time sequence or program currently on the air.

If you prefer to display only some elements, you can use the following wildcard characters:

%noplaylisttitle% show only song titles, the name of the radio station is displayed when a song is not airing

%songsonly% show only song titles , the last song transmitted remains displayed until another song airs

%nosongs% never show any song , instead display the title of the playlist or of the time sequence that is on air

%item% content currently on the air.

Other wildcard characters that can be used are:

%time% - object transmission time xx
%item% - describes what is currently airing
%year% - year
%comment% - comment
%album% - album
%author% - author
%label% - label
%code% - code
%customer% - if it is a commercial spot programmed by MB SPOT, it returns the name of the customer (As saved in MB SPOT - Customer List)
%file% - file name
%customa% - definition custom1 (only if it is a song)
%customb% - definition custom2 (only if it is a song)
%customc% - definition custom3 (only if it is a song)
%artist% - interpreter
%title% - title (if it is not a song, the title of the object is displayed as configured in the property - title)
%genre% - musical genre
%genre2% - second musical genre
%genre3% - third musical genre
%program% - name of the program or playlist or timetable currently on the air
%starttime% - broadcast start date and time in ISO8601 format
%startutctime% - broadcast start date and time in ISO8601 format and in UTC time zone
%duration% - duration of the object. It is also possible to specify the format using WILDCARDS LIST eg: %duration(h:nn:ss)% = 0:15:23

if you need to view information on an object that is not currently on the air, you can enter the number of the object to the right of the wildcard, for example %timexx% or %itemxx% and instead of xx enter the number of the desired object ( from -1 to -99 objects already transmitted, from 1 to 99 objects to be transmitted)

With MB STUDIO PRO it is possible to modify the content of the export boxes according to times or days via AGENDA - Internal Command