Is there a way to use announcer voice like in time to do the key weather words?
I use text to speech now, but wish a more natural sound using current weather function and announcer audio files.
recorded voice file() (Now here is the weather for the Q94 7 listener area. It is currently) %temp% (degrees)
I record temperature audio files for each degree and put in a weather folder and sub-folder temperature. Each sound file uses the name of the degree (3.mp3) would be for 3 degrees and would be pulled from folder for variable %temp%.
Maybe build a minilist weather to do this and each line is audio file
weather close.mp3
or text file that lists all the audio files
weatheropen.mp3, weathertemp.mp3, %temp%, weatherclose.mp3
Just a thought if possible down road if not available now.
There is a program/company that uses real voices and more information for weather than MB Studio does called unattendedweather located at in English
If you could make similar additional module/feature available for additional cost $$, it would be great! User would record all the key words and your program would paste it all together like the time or weather does now.
Thank you!