30 Jun 2023 20:59 #98259 by gerard
MB-STUDIO was created by gerard
g lelogiciel mb studio litte je voulait passer en profesionelle, es le ^prix ne change pas pour les clients
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30 Jun 2023 21:22 #98260 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic MB-STUDIO
le lien d'achat est le suivant:


12 mois de mises à jour logicielles sont inclus avec l' achat

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01 Jul 2023 17:11 #98262 by gerard
Replied by gerard on topic MB-STUDIO probleme de licence
ma licence ne marche plus m34g56h200zsw je comprend pouvez m'aidé sil vous plait
je voulait demarer ma webradio, un machine en panne je voulait demarer une autre machine
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01 Jul 2023 17:31 #98263 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic MB-STUDIO probleme de licence

Il forum non sostituisce il servizio di assistenza tecnica. Per ricevere assistenza tecnica andare a questa pagina: www.newradio.it/client/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=4
Pour signaler un problème, lisez ici: www.mbradio.it/fr/soutien/guide/713-sout...signaler-un-probleme
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01 Jul 2023 20:13 #98265 by gerard
Replied by gerard on topic MB-STUDIO probleme de licence
j'arrive pas a meltre mon licences
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01 Jul 2023 20:31 #98266 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic MB-STUDIO probleme de licence
ce code est ancien et n'est plus valide.
Utilisez le générateur de code pour obtenir un nouveau code et pour savoir quelle version de MB STUDIO vous pouvez utiliser en fonction de l'expiration de votre abonnement.
Mode d'emploi ici :  www.mbradio.it/fr/soutien/guide/120-inst...stallation-mb-studio

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Pour signaler un problème, lisez ici: www.mbradio.it/fr/soutien/guide/713-sout...signaler-un-probleme
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04 Jul 2023 06:17 #98277 by gerard
Replied by gerard on topic MB-STUDIO
si je veux prendre la version  MB STUDIO PRO  ce la me reviens a combien prix
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04 Jul 2023 11:13 #98279 by MB RADIO
Replied by MB RADIO on topic MB-STUDIO
pour les problèmes de licence, écrivez un e-mail à info@mbsoft.biz

Il forum non sostituisce il servizio di assistenza tecnica. Per ricevere assistenza tecnica andare a questa pagina: www.newradio.it/client/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=4
Pour signaler un problème, lisez ici: www.mbradio.it/fr/soutien/guide/713-sout...signaler-un-probleme
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MB STUDIO PRO / LITE MB STUDIO is a radio automation software that will allow you to create and manage your own radio station playing all your media files: jingles, commercials, news, songs, Files from internet, live streams, live inputs from your sound card, satellite feeds. Automatically download news and shows from Internet. Multiple overlapping files and/or live sources (mic, line, aux). Voice tracking. Integrated CD Ripper. Integrated jukebox to play songs requested via sms / email messages. Display current playlist on your web site.


video reel32MB RECASTER features an audio recorder with scheduler, a webcast module to send streams to any Shoutcast, Icecast or Windows Media server, AutoDJ function to play randomly your own audio files from up to 4 folders, a stream receiver allowing to record or recast to your server (transcoder), an audio converter from/to any format.


MB LIVEMB LIVE is a software that stream a live audio\video feed from any place to an MB STUDIO PRO automation in the main radio studio. MB LIVE make use of a TCPIP connection. This program is free for MB STUDIO PRO users