Run with windows
If enabled, MB STUDIO starts automatically after Windows starts. This option works only if MB STUDIO is running with administrator privilege and the user account control is set to "Never notify" and access to the windows registry is not blocked by an antivirus.

Italy FM Station
Broadcasters based outside Italy or who broadcast only via the internet must keep this option turned off

Notify errors to administrators (service available only in MB STUDIO PRO)
If active, error messages are communicated via email or SMS to users registered as administrators in the center Address Book Messages

If active, it displays and publishes the interpreter - title tag present in the audio file or in the MidStream Tag or the name of the MB SPOT advertising client. If off, the name of the playlist or timeline is displayed and published. This option can be customized on each individual element of the playlist or time sequence.

Enable loopback
If active, the list of cards also includes loopback devices (i.e. the capture of the audio output of a card). You need to restart MB STUDIO for the change to take effect.

On Air computer
If MB STUDIO is used on a single computer, this flag must be activated.
If MB STUDIO is used on multiple computers, this flag must be active ONLY in the ON AIR computer while it must be deactivated in all other computers.

Remove Voice Intro when Intro=0
When a Voice Intro is followed by a song without an Intro, if this option is active MB STUDIO completely eliminates the Voice Intro, otherwise the Voice Intro is played as Voice Track.

Remove Voice Intro if Insufficient Intro
When a Voice Intro is followed by a song whose Intro is shorter than the Voice Intro, it completely eliminates the Voice Intro, otherwise if this option is deactivated, the Voice Intro is played as Voice Track.

Enable ASIO
Enable the use of sound cards via ASIO in MB STUDIO PRO (suitable for expert users only). You need to restart MB STUDIO for the change to take effect.

If activated, text files (for example OnAir.txt etc etc) are saved in UTF8 format, otherwise if deactivated they are saved in ISO8859 format

Time - Time Strecth
If you use the function TEMPO (TIME-STRETCH) it is recommended to keep this flag activated

If you purchase more than one license, you can use up to 10 sessions of MB STUDIO simultaneously on the same computer.
The program must be installed multiple times and in different folders, and each MB STUDIO must have a different session number ranging from 0 to 9.

Default Audio Editor
Enter here the exact path that leads to an .exe file corresponding to an audio editor of your preference installed on your computer. (This is a third-party product not provided by MB SOFT)

Data Import Plugin
it is possible to select a data import plugin for the MB SPOT schedule

Backup Folder
MB STUDIO automatically performs an accurate backup of all the databases necessary for its operation within this folder BACKUP: THE DATA OF MB STUDIO SAFE